Hand controlling a wall thermostat

As a home or business owner, you know how many factors go in to creating a comfortable space. Once you have the essential heating and cooling systems in place, you begin to assess air quality, maintenance, ventilation, and more. Often times, the thermostat is an afterthought, despite the fact that it’s the “brains” of your heating and cooling system. Proper placement and utilization of available thermostat settings can significantly impact your home’s comfort and energy bills.

Thermostats measure the room temperature and then communicates with the rest of the HVAC system to ensure the set temperature is maintained. The sensors on the thermostat have to correctly measure the indoor temperature so that your cooling or heating system knows when to stop pumping cool or warm air into your home. However, there are factors that can trip up these sensors, which will impact their ability to correctly assess the actual temperature of a room. Placing your thermostat, regardless of whether it’s a Smart thermostat or a throwback from the 1970s, in the wrong spot is one of these factors.

Researching the best place for your thermostat can save you money on energy bills and make your home more comfortable.

When placing your thermostat, you need to think critically about where it can accurately detect the temperature of the space. For example, if you place your thermostat in the hallway where fewer electronics and less body heat are filling the area, then the thermostat can’t adjust to the actual needs of occupants. Similarly, kitchens and bathrooms create occasional heat when the shower is running, or the oven is on, but this temperature measurement wouldn’t apply to the rest of the home. Other places that easily trip up thermostats are walls near windows or doors. Instead, choose a spot that isn’t subject to radiant heat or could potentially be drafty. Winterizing your home can help with drafts, but it doesn’t solve the issue entirely. Additionally, if you have ductwork, don’t place it near any vents; your system will sense the warm or cool air from the vent and think it’s done its job.

Place your thermostat in a central location, on an interior wall. Installing it about 5 feet above the floor is an ideal height to capture the temperature accurately while still being easy to read.

If you are considering adjusting the placement of your thermostat in your home or commercial space, have one of our licensed HVAC professionals evaluate your set-up to find the most cost and energy-efficient option.

We hope you found this article helpful and look forward to ensuring your comfort and safety. Thank you for choosing CPS.

If you are in need of more information or would like to schedule your consultation, you can reach us at 508-460-6691 or by filling out this form.

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