Our experienced, friendly staff carefully analyzes your current system and recommends specific state-of-the-art units to ensure you have inexpensive, quiet temperature control when you need it.

Our experienced, friendly staff carefully analyzes your current system and recommends specific state-of-the-art units to ensure you have inexpensive, quiet temperature control when you need it.

While our job is to make sure your heating and cooling systems are running as efficiently and effectively as possible there are steps you can take to lower your energy bills as well.

1. Utilize Your Ceiling Fans:

In the summer months you want your ceiling fan rotating counterclockwise so the blades push the cooler air down towards you. In the summer, a ceiling fan can make a room feel 10 degrees cooler and uses 10 percent of the energy of a central air conditioner. During winter you should do the reverse and make sure your fans are spinning clockwise. This draws the room air up and forces the warm air down.

CPS Heating and Cooling gives tips on how to lower energy bills.

2. Adjust Your Thermostat Settings:

This small but impactful change can save you a lot on your energy bill. In fact, for every degree your system is adjusted you can save 1% every eight hours. That can really add up! This is especially useful to keep in mind during the evening. Lowering the room temperature in the evenings this winter and choosing to layer up with blankets can save you 13% on your heating bill.
CPS is a full service heating, ventilation, and air conditioning company. We offer a wide range of HVAC equipment to meet every clients needs and we serve both commercial businesses and residential customers.


3. Watch Your Windows:

Keep your curtains and blinds closed at night in the winter to create more insulation from cold temperatures outside and open them when you can utilize the nice solar heat. During the day in the summertime you’ll also want to keep the blinds shut as 76% of sunlight through your windows enters in the form of heat. On those cooler nights, opening the windows allows the cooler air to come in.

4. Close the Chimney Flue:

When your chimney is not in use, make sure the flue is closed. Leaving it open will let a large amount of warm or cold air into your home. Leaving a flue open can raise energy consumption by up to 30%! Of course, you always want to ensure there are no embers in your fireplace before closing it.

5. Avoid Using Hot Appliances during summer:

Using your stove, oven, and dryer raises the temperature in your home. While this can be welcome in the winter it’s a great excuse to dry your clothes outside or grill out during the summer.

CPS is dedicated to being the best HVAC contractor in the Metrowest area by providing exceptional service and installation for quality conscious customers.

6. Get a Better Rate:

In states that are deregulated you can shop around and negotiate until you find the best rate for electricity or oil.


CPS Heating and Cooling

You can always call on your extended family of dependable heating, cooling, and air quality experts at CPS Heating & Cooling.

Contact us anytime to set up a consultation or call us at 508-460-6691.

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