Is There a “Beautiful” Air Conditioning Unit? No. Here’s How to Solve the Problem.
A complete home is a balance of comfort, practicality, and aesthetic appeal. This is as true for your home’s heating, cooling and air quality system as it is for your furnishings and decor.
Coordinating the efficiency, price, and place within your home for an HVAC system is a delicate and sometimes tedious process. A home comfort expert — such as those on the CPS Heating & Cooling staff — can help you find the system that matches your ductwork, comfort needs and budget.
But how about aesthetics? Unfortunately, your air conditioning condensing unit can be the most unsightly part of your home or garden. It is often tempting to try to conceal it to blend in with the aesthetic of the rest of your home.
There are lots of ways to “screen off” an air conditioner from view. Take a look at our Pinterest board for ideas on how to do this. But remember, it is important to keep a close eye on a few details to ensure that your unit continues to run safely.
Air conditioning condensers are complicated components; covering them can sometimes block air flow. If you have a ductless split cooling system, the air handler must be left out in the open on the wall. This is because the ductless split air handler is designed so that it takes air in from the top of the unit and blows air out the bottom of the unit. If this influx and outflow of air is hindered in any way, the system doesn’t run at optimum efficiency and ends up having to work harder in order to bring the room to temperature. This can also cause the condenser to heat up to unsafe temperatures.
To prevent these risks, make a point of keeping the indoor air handler at a minimum of 6-8 inches from other objects.
As always, if you have any questions we would be happy to take your call ((508) 501-8848). We are also reachable by email ( If you need some inspiration for HVAC cover-up ideas, we have tons of tips we’d love to share with you!