CPS Heating and Cooling has partnered with Mass Save to offer HVAC rebates and "HEAT" loans on qualifying air conditioners, heat pumps and more.

Mass Save® Programs

Collect your rewards for saving energy

Energy-efficient practices not only save you money, but they also reduce stress on our entire planet. To say thanks, the Massachusetts’ natural gas and electric utilities — along with several energy efficiency service providers — offer residents and businesses practical and financial support through the Mass Save initiative.

Whether you’re a homeowner or business owner, Mass Save provides a broad spectrum of energy efficiency services to help you manage energy use and related costs.

CPS Heating and Cooling offers Mass Save rebates on qualifying HVAC equipment like heat pumps, including income-based programs for qualifying households.

At home:

Start with a complete audit of your home’s energy use. Based on the results of your assessment, discover the rebates, incentives, and financing you may qualify for, including:

  • Rebates on qualified HVAC and water heating equipment, including thermostats, central air conditioning/central heat pumps, mini-split heat pumps, and more.
  • 0% interest financing with the Mass Save HEAT Loan program.
  • Discounts for proactively replacing outdated heating and cooling equipment.

As a part of the Mass Save Heat Pump Installer Network, we can provide you access to heat pump rebates from the Sponsors of Mass Save, including:

  • Rebates up to $16,000* per home on air source heat pumps
  • Rebates up to $25,000* per home on ground source heat pumps

Heat pump rebates are available to residential customers in Massachusetts where Berkshire Gas, Cape Light Compact, Eversource, Liberty Utilities, National Grid, or Unitil is the Program Sponsor.

For more information, visit MassSave.com/HeatPump.

*Residential heat pump equipment must be installed by a contractor participating in the Heat Pump Installer Network. Rebates may vary based on planned use and income verification.

On the job:

Mass Save has financial incentives and technical assistance for those in the commercial, industrial, and public sector who are building new facilities, undergoing major renovations, replacing failed equipment or upgrading equipment and systems to be more energy efficient. By teaming up with a Massachusetts Program Administrator, you receive experienced guidance on all the programs, incentives, and services available to ensure your business realizes the benefits of becoming more energy efficient. Through revealing case studies, see how this valuable assistance has cut costs, improved work environments, and shaped a more energy-efficient future for:

  • Data centers
  • Grocery stores
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Hotels, motels, and other hospitality buildings
  • Laboratories
  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Municipal buildings and structures
  • Property management, including multi-family residential buildings, offices, industrial spaces, and retail properties

The Sponsors of Mass Save offer heat pump rebates up to $4,500 per ton for qualifying commercial heat pump installations.

Heat pump rebates are available to commercial customers in Massachusetts where Berkshire Gas, Cape Light Compact, Eversource, Liberty Utilities, National Grid, or Unitil is the Program Sponsor. For more information, visit MassSave.com/HeatPump.

Mass Save requires that each home have an energy audit in order to qualify for those rebates, consider contacting Able Construction for a no-cost Mass Save Energy Assessment.

For more information, visit MassSave.com/HeatPump.

Where to go to learn more:

Look here for HVAC rebates to improve your bottom line today. And then call us at CPS… we’ll explain the rebates and incentives that might be best for your home or business, and arrange for a no-obligation consultation.