winter checklist

Ask Phil: How To De-Winterize Your Home At The Right Time

2024-02-19T10:58:53-05:00February 23rd, 2022|winter checklist|

For some homeowners, winter is the time for vacationing elsewhere, leaving their home behind along with the unforgiving weather. If you’re leaving your property empty for the long, frigid months of winter, you will need to de-winterize when you return. De-winterizing is exactly how it sounds—you‘re going to reverse whatever actions you took to [...]

Ask Phil: How do I prepare my home for a snow storm?

2021-02-02T13:18:39-05:00December 18th, 2020|winter checklist|

Snowstorms in New England can be severe. Staying ahead of an impending storm and being prepared is important! All across New England, winter not only brings cooler temperatures but blizzard conditions as well. There are a few different things you can do to prepare for snow and potential storms: Test Your Snow Blower Check [...]

ASK PHIL: Lower Utility Bills and Repair Costs with Phil’s Basic-5 Winter Checklist

2019-10-25T11:36:17-04:00October 25th, 2019|Efficiency, HVAC, lower bills, winter checklist|

First-time homeowners and warm-climate natives who recently relocated to Massachusetts—start thinking about winter before all the leaves are off the trees. Winter may seem like a no-brainer, but if you don’t take time now to formulate a plan of action, you may find yourself unprepared or at risk when the first big snow storm [...]

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